Center for... "Hap!" A suppor!
New Group Forming Starts Tuesday January 26, 2010 6 consecutive Tuesdays 5:30-6:45 pm in the Nacul Center Gallery 592 Main Street Amherst, MA 01002 USA
You must pre-register.
Click here to Register Now!
Center for Quality of Life hosts a program for you to be ... "Happy @ Work!" A support group to re-energize your life and livelihood!
Are you… Feeling stressed out? Annoyed with your co-workers? Frustrated with your boss? Dreading going to work? Dreaming about a better job?
| Does your… To-Do list always seem never ending? Work schedule get in the way of your personal life? Daily routine drive you crazy? Pay rate seem less than what you're worth? Career look less interesting than you had expected?
Our weekly gathering is for people who want to be happy with their job, work life, and career progression. Together, we look at workplace circumstances that may be uncomfortable or bothersome, and find constructive ways to transform our outlook at work. The result is a renewed sense of aliveness and excitement about ourselves and our work life! Register Now!!
| Details: "Happy @ Work!” When: 5:30 pm – 6:45 pm for six consecutive Tuesday evenings Starts: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 Where: Nacul Center Downstairs Gallery 592 Main Street, Amherst, MA 01002 Click here for map. Register: You must register before showing up by phone: 413.548.9993 on the web: Click here to Register Now!
| Your Facilitator The "Happy @ Work!" support group is facilitated by Burt Woolf, Founder and Principal of the Center for Quality of Life. For the past 30 years Burt has been a facilitator, teacher, administrator, and motivational speaker -- helping people, organizations and communities achieve a more fulfilled quality of life. He has delivered national workshops and keynote addresses on workplace satisfaction, and his articles on the topic have appeared on,,,, and in national trade magazines and newsletters. Burt is currently completing his doctorate at the University of Massachusetts (Amherst) School of Education where his research explores how people shape their personal identity through work and career. [Return to Page Index]
| Suggested donation:
$18. per session or $90. for all 6 sessions SPECIAL NOTE: The $90. donation for all six sessions is payable on or before completion of the first evening only. Those donating $90. will be eligible to schedule a no-cost private one-on-one session with Burt Woolf some time during the six-week series.
To make a payment... Click on the Paypal button to the right or Send donation checks (NOT tax deductible) payable to "Center for Quality of Life" 592 Main Street Office #2 Amherst, MA 01002
[Return to Page Index]
Map and Directions to 592 Main Street Amherst, MA (the Gallery is "downstairs" from the entrance on the ground floor).
Document Library
Name | Description |
 | Burt Woolf's Bio (PDF) | A 2-page narrative resume |
 | "Lost in Translation" (PDF) | Burt Woolf's advice on stress management for association executives. By Apryl Motley, CAE. Published in Association Now (national monthly magazine of American Society of Association Executives and the Center for Association Leadership). January 2007. |
 | "8 ways to improve quality of life at work" (PDF) | This short article features Burt Woolf's counsel on how to separate who you are from your job. Published on-line by, and also released on-line as a feature story on both CCN. com and; 2004; 2008; and September 2009. This article is still available on-line at |
 | "Beat the Work/Life Balance Conundrum with a Quality of Life Context" (PDF) | Article by Burt Woolf, published In Library WorkLife, the on-line newsletter of the American Library Association - Allied Professional Association (ALA-APA). November 2004. |
 | "Keeping up: Find the fuel for personal renewal" (PDF) | An article about the work of Burt Woolf and the Center for Quality of Life. By Linda C. Chandler. Published in Association Management (monthly national magazine); American Society of Association Executives (ASAE); Washington, DC USA; June 2004. |